Incremental updates

A silly and maybe stupid question , but first of all , great work with the Linux version it scans every directory without problems, so my congrats to the dev team

I was wondering why the update definition file isn’t incremental as it’s Windows based sibling???

I’ll be grateful for any feedback

Thanks in advance
MiguelAngelXP ;D

Yes, it’s not incremental… They could have work on this, but I think the ‘Linux’ team is not that enough for quick improvements…

Well the VPS file is not all that big, on a DSL or Cable connection it only takes a minute to update. Its only really a problem for Dial-Up users.

Not an excuse imho… for a lot of users it’s not just one minute…
Besides, useless bandwidth use…

I agree with Tech , the fact that broadband connections are increasing there are still a huge amount of users that have dial-up connection… so IMHO a great improvement in the Linux version that the AVS should be incremental…

Kindly regards

the (full) incremental update mechanism was primarily designed for Windows-version of Avast. Thus, the update scenario contains some techniques that aren’t very suitable for the unix update philosophy (executable per-version updater which rewrites itself, hardcoded dependences between binaries, some chicken-egg issues etc.). But, this code is avalable for nixes too, as beta, and will appear in the very next Avast! for Mac edition release.

In the case that you need 400.vps-update only the things aren’t so complicated (because the incremental update binary serves as “better 400.vps-downloader” only) - you might try this package for now - - see readme for details. Yes, it is cryptic a bit, indeed, but this is how the mechanism works :>.

If you have some questions/suggestions/comments, feel free to write them here (until 16.aug I can’t read my e-mails on daily basis easily).


As far I could understand, the update can’t be performed by avast interface, but need to be invoked by terminal. Am I wrong?
Well, seems I’ll wait for next avast Linux version… ::slight_smile:

hi! im a new user of ubuntu 10.10 and i noticed the same problem with the vps updates.(slow)
i downloaded the.tgx file but i dont really understand the instructions in there. can anyone help?

incremental update is used, for example, in mac version too. It’s just about different binary, takuing care about the 400.vps file, instead od plain http-get downloading (curl, wget, lynx).
