infected avast computers

A friend of mine inadvertently - but successfully - installed the Personal Anti-Virus virus/worm on his computer, while Avast was running. It took forever to get rid of it - using anti-malware software, not Avast.

My aunt had the Koobface worm/virus running on her computer. She’s the one who told me about Avast, so I know she had that running. Again, it was through the use of anti-malware software that I was able to remove it. Avast, apparently, never “saw” it.

My brother-in-law successfully downloaded the Personal Anti-Virus worm/virus, but didn’t install it. I scanned the install file with Avast and it came up clean.

How is Avast missing these things? Yet, if I go to, Avast throws up a warning about some Iframe virus. Really? On Capitol Records website? That seems odd. It could have been hacked, I suppose, but seriously…

I really like Avast, always updating on its own, and it has kept my own personal computer virus-free. Or maybe I’m just lucky. Why is it that everyone I know seems to be getting infected, while running Avast?

PS LOL I just hit the “Spell Check” button and the first word it had issues with was “Anti-Virus”. Really? On a forum for an anti-virus program, “anti-virus” is not in the dictionary?

Welcome fellow Canadian.

I use a Layered Approach to system protection with the use of several security applications that run well with avast! which you can see from my signature.

As for site being infected well a lot of that has been going on latley and luckily avast! has implemented site checking to prevent rogue sites from being displayed and someone who is well versed in decoding what is wrong will be along shortly.

I never used the Spell Check as its dictionary is limited and not capable of adding correct spellings.

For example:
center vs centre

I use ieSpell to check spelling as I can add my words that are spelled the way I want them:

Yes, it is hacked and contain nice virus ZOO - see the image and count the red arrows. Some of that infections are broken, but are still there.

Other questions needs to be answered by other viruslab guys.