Hi mauserme,
Thanks for your interest, that I assure you is apreciated!
I know HijackT and his use, sorry for not have included it in the list of things that I tried!!
In everycase Hijacklog can’t help us, because it seems “pure like a new-born”!
None of the other scans I performed (mentioned in my previous posts), have detected something. I tried too anti-rootkit scan with F-Secure BlackLight and with Gmer.
So, before many tries, (not last analysis of cached files with avast after running CCleaner) thinking that my system is clean, I posted another time, to see if there is a possibility that the question depending to avast.
If no the case, the other option may be a threat very very capable to hide in my system. Or what else…?
Concluding with a “smile”, I’m not much worry at the moment, because I’m not a pervert like GrahamE says of himself ;D [Of course I’m joking GrahamE ;)].
So I consider that my surfing habitudes are almost secure, but sure, all is possible in Web-Jungle.
This evening I rescanned all files in my chest, and 4 of them changed status in “no virus”. All these 4 files were recognized by avast like Win32:Nilage-FP.
Always today I used two times CCleaner, one time all ok, another “usual” avast’s alert.
I imagine that change status of these 4 cached files in my chest, take relation with avast’s updates.
I’m too optimist thinking this…??
You’re right.
Most probably that files are safe to be restored, although I don’t think they need to be restored.
Can you post the original file name and path?
Oh yes, for sure I’ll not restore them, there is no reason for this. I’m expecting for the end of “the mistery” and then I’ll get out them!
Name cached file: C5099E6Dd01 20may=Win32:Nilage-FP - today= no virus
D7A152ABd01 21may= " "
7BBD4A69d01 22may= " " CACHE_001 27april=Win32:Agent-GKD - then transformed in Win32:Nilage-FP -
today= no virus
Location is always the same: C:\Documents and Settings\Gabri\Impostazioni locali (local settings in English?)\Dati Applicazioni\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles[i]random name[/i].default\cache
I’ve attached image of my avast chest. What you can see is situation at today, to be absolutely exact, there are more 4. I Think is not so important to join another attachement for them, considering that 3 of them are “the same familiy”, and the lastone is related to an old avast’s FP with Windows notepad.
Well, finally I’ve extracted all Firefox cached files from avast chest, and I’ve submited all them to multi-engine scanners, like VirusTotal and Jotti (the greater part on Jotti).
A part avast, NOTHING!
absolutely correct Tech! I tried this last one, just because I’m a sort of “maniac” ;D
Now seriously, nothing more than wait to see if Alwil team will find the solution. Always if, what is happening to me, GrahamE and Thomas depends to avast.
In every contrary case, I’ll take in consideration differents methods for cleaning my browser’s cache.
In the meantime, thanks to you and other users, for your replies in this topic.
The most difficult thing for me right now is to reproduce any kind of similar behavior.
I have browsers, CCleaner and avast. Never have a false positive using CCleaner.
So, it’s weird. Or CCleaner or avast or browsers installation aren’t good…