Infected files cannot be moved?!

So I have scanned my computer and it has come up with 46 infected files all of which are hidden rootkits or something. I have tried moving them to the chest or repairing them but it won’t work, I have seen a couple of threads with the same problem but I have no idea what any of it means as I know hardly anything about computers themselves :-[

If you can give some common examples of the file names and location ?

Why can’t they be moved, what error/reason is given ?

Well my laptop rebooted a while ago, no idea why, but it meant I lost the scan results. I am running another full scan now which has almost finished but nothing has come up yet and the files were found right at the beginning of the other scan so I am a little confused/worried.

The reason given was “The request is not supported (50)”

If this was a regular on-demand scan then this should still be available from the avastUI, Scan Computer, Scan Logs, open the relevant scan.

Ah ok I didn’t realise you could do that :-[ They all start with “C:\windows\winsxs\wow64_microsoft-windows”

Then most of them end in something followed with dll eg. jscript.dll, jscript9.dll, ieframe.dll or sqmapi.dll. There are a couple of .exe though: iexplore.exe and ieunatt.exe, one tlb: mshtmled.tlb and one cpl: inetcpl.cpl

Not sure if that is helpful or whether you wanted the whole file name …

I don’t use a 64bit OS so I can’t really check the legitimacy of the location, but the few that I checked appear to be legit names, though that is no guarantee they aren’t infected.

Was there any detection on your subsequent scan ?
If you aborted it, try a Quick scan as that should cover that particular location and not take too long to complete.

I’m a little concerned because of the number and the fact that they are considered rootkits, there might be a file infecter at work. But I’m not a malware removal specialist and if it were a file infecter I would expect it to be more widespread.

Hi were you conducting a scan whilst windows was downloading updates ?

Thanks for joining the topic essexboy.

I have come across three like this so far and it was while windows was downloading updates during a scan - all in the winsxs folder

I have re-scanned 3 times now and nothing has came up, I don’t think I was installing anything but it could have been automatic and my computer did restart abruptly which could be explained by a windows update. If you have found some like this before I have a feeling that it is most likely the answer :slight_smile: I feel a little silly now but thank you guys so much for helping ;D

Nope not silly just unaware of the coincidence of both happening at the same time - but better safe than sorry ;D

Well I will certainly be checking when I scan more carefully from now on :stuck_out_tongue: I also know now if I do have a problem in the future I can come here and get some great help from people who know what they are on about :smiley: