Infected Web site and a Thank you

New kid on block here, so please beat lightly if you must. :slight_smile:

Received this email warning last night (didn’t keep an Avast screen shot) while I was looking for a chart depicting HazMat Placards:

“avast! [H****X]: File “*” is infected by “HTML:Iframe-inf” virus.
“Web Shield” task used
Version of current VPS file is 110320-1, 03/20/2011.”

On my end everything is OK. Avast did its job and dumped the website I was attempting to connect too. So no harm done.

I wanted to drop a line to the webmaster of the site but the Whois results just made me more suspicious! I’ve tossed the site onto my blacklist.

*** Edited Whois results: ***


Domain Admin (contact@*

Creation Date: 23-Feb-2011
Expiration Date: 23-Feb-2012

Domain servers in listed order:

Note: This Domain Name is currently Locked. In this status the domain
name cannot be transferred, hijacked, or modified. The Owner of this
domain name can easily change this status from their control panel.
This feature is provided as a security measure against fraudulent domain name hijacking.

(Addendum) OK, if it can’t be hijacked then they must have “infected” themselves.

*PRIVACYPROTECT.ORG is providing privacy protection services to this domain name to protect the owner from spam and phishing attacks.

(Addendum) It would seem FFox doesn’t trust a “self signed certificate” and let me dropped the site.

*** End edited results ***

While this may be nothing more than a false alarm, I just thought that since I’ve never had anything to offer and have gotten so much useful info from this forum I’d offer this small morsel as a “Thank you” to all. So, thank you all for the great help you didn’t know you were giving.


Kindly update your virus definitions to 110321-2 via the GUI.

Thanks for you input. Keeping definitions up to date is always good advice.
I take care of that at least once every new day. The date is what was current on the 20th.


Well, update and move on.

I will if you will let go!