Infected with new WIN32:Kuang2

I have it in the lockdown and its on dll files in a system restore file of my windows XP . I have no clue what to do now–it said it could not heel it or remove the virus. For now I’m keeping it in lockdown and I reported it to avast. Maybe they will find a fix for this one. I HOPE. Anyone else gotten this nasty yet? AND if you did get it–did you find a fix? I cant find it listed anywhere. :cry:

this is a false positive in unencrypted Panda-(Online)-AV-files: for Info,
enter KUANG in the board search above

to get rid of the warning: disable System RESTORE (also see board search)

Avast let me know it was a harmless left over unencrypted file from panda. Probably will only show up the first scan. But if I have any more trouble I will post again. Seems like my PC Pitstop left a couple little presents for me that avast found. I was using AVG paid before and paid meant tech service-so they said. I can say they have $hitty to no tech service. No more factually. Got sick of that and it was not finding all the creepies. So after visiting PC Pitstop sent rabid email to them and jerked it off my puter. Found avast via zdnet and downloaded it. So far its been great. A lot different to learn to navigate the controles-but I’m figuring it out.