Infection Blocked! caused by LastPass application for Mac

I installed the LastPass Mac desktop application, and now every time I make a change (for example, delete an entry from the Vault), Avast posts two messages Infection Blocked! Infection: JS:ScriptSH-inf [Tri] and its a .xml file in a system folder

I’m running macOS 10.12.4 beta, Avast Mac Security 2016 (12.5), virus definitions 17022501

– GaryG

I don’t know much about avast for MAC’s, but that VPS version seems a old one to me.

And as you are running a Beta OS, errors/problems and such are to be expected.

Nope, it’s the latest one.

Indeed it is.
I misread the version :-[

Anyway, I will not waste my time with LastPass. I will uninstall and find something else.

You could use Avast Passwords:

Thanks for the suggestion, but I would need a Linux version also (macOS, Linux and Android)

You’re welcome, unfortunately Linux is not supported.
