I recently installed the Spark email client on my Mac desktop (and my iPhone) and I love it. However, I continually get pop-up messages from Avast saying Infection blocked! Process: /Applications/Spark.app/Contents/MacOS/Spark — and then the address of the file Spark is attempting to save. An image of the pop-up is attached. Is there some way to override this? I’m confident that it’s not a threat. Thanks.
the detection means that the PDF contains an URL which is blocked. Without the file we cannot say more details.
If you think that the file should not be reported as a virus then report it as False positive at https://www.avast.com/false-positive-file-form.php
If the file has been moved to virus chest already then report it from the AV - https://support.avast.com/en-eu/article/Use-Mac-Security-Virus-Chest