Vyzkoušel jsem mimo Avast další 3 antiviry a nic to nehlásilo.
Poprosil bych o vyjádření z Avast…
strana pro dospělé celou dobu šlapala dobře… wxw.seximorum.com
zkoušeno i přes virustotal.com a také čisté.
prosím můžete to odblokovat ?
Vyzkoušel jsem mimo Avast další 3 antiviry a nic to nehlásilo.
Poprosil bych o vyjádření z Avast…
strana pro dospělé celou dobu šlapala dobře… wxw.seximorum.com
zkoušeno i přes virustotal.com a také čisté.
prosím můžete to odblokovat ?
post in english…or find your language section in the Non-english zone http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=21.0
Sucuri site check http://sitecheck3.sucuri.net/results/www.seximorum.com
killmalware http://killmalware.com/www.seximorum.com/
killmalware is blocked by the school proxy… Is it infected?
nope, but it does display malware code / urls … your schools IT boss dont like you to play with malware on schools network
If one of these computers gets infected your IT boss will have some time to clean
zhis up cause it can spread over the network.
We had this on my School with Macs. A patching virus.
if smart he should also block facebook, twitter…
go do your homework kids ;D
and She has indeed attempted to block Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Skype. She should also have attempted to make UAC much stricter. As I can install anything I want (Skype included), disable anything I want (MSE, WFW (Windows FW)). It’s quite funny actually. Moreso, when I start sending random messages to peoples computers and they start saying they were hacked
If that were true, she would’ve blocked the sites I told her to block, after showing her what they do. Lol thinking of virussign right now.
iFrame check comes up with: Suspicious
htxp://bongacams.com/tools/pixel.php’ = MW:IFRAME:HD202 malcode
Javascript check with: Suspicious
image().src = “//counter.yadro dot ru/hit?r”+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)==“undefined”)?“”: “;s”+screen.width+““+screen.height+””+(screen.colordepth? screen.colo…
Included scripts check: Suspect - please check list for unknown includes
404 error check comes up with: Suspicious
Suspicious 404 Page:
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IP was unblocked.