I was attracted to AIS by the claims of the new Sandbox feature. It sounds great and, so far, looks and feels great (notwithstanding with a small local difficulty currently being looked at in another topic - FireFox 3.6.10). I can’t help but feel though that my confidence in it and use of it would be greatly enhanced if more advice were available. The info given in the current help menu is fine in terms of setup but I wonder is there, or might there be in the near future, something more akin to a “tutorial” on its pros and cons and general use for the novice user (and since it is such a new feature I assume there will be quite a few of those/us around)?
To start with for example I’m really looking for answers to questions like:
- are there any downsides to always running your browser Sandboxed? Well, yes if you want to download and save files…any others I haven’t discovered yet?
- Is there a way of extracting downloaded files (eg “safe” email attachments) from the SB and saving them - or would that be silly and against the SB philosophy?
- Some programs (eg Skype - previous topic) are not Sandboxable. Is there a way to press for this to change?
- Are there any other major programs that are currently not amenable?
- The AIS help file says the SB is a “completely safe environment” in which to browse and run files. “Completely” - really? Does that mean I can relax and sleep at night?!
I’m sure I could get answers to these questions individually on the forums, but it would be nice also to get answers to questions I didn’t know I had!
Sorry for the paranoia (only just got over a bad bout of Security Tool 2010!), but response on this forum to previous posts I’ve been interested in has been fantastic so thought I would try my luck.