Information: BSOD caused by Avast Anti-Virus software.


Just to let you guys know that the latest Avast Free AV edition(which I believe is version 7.0.1466) was the cause of my occasional BSODs. The item [i]in[i] the Avast system software was the TDI driver…

So I guess until this issue here is fixed, I am reverting to an alternative branded anti-virus software…perhaps AVG 2012 Free edition? Or I might test out some of the other paid ones to see if they’re of any better than the free ones.

Thanks for reading!

  1. :wink:

new beta version is already out and can be tested. :wink:

you find it in the beta forum section

Betas usually fire back more problems then complete latest ‘stable’ ones…so I prefer to have the least amount of problems as possible.


This beta has been very stable, if you don’t want to participate then you will have to wait for its release as a regular program update.

Then I guess that is what I shall do. :slight_smile:

OK, if you haven’t already found the beta topic for this beta,