Since I got this computer it has been buggy. Permissions change, *32 is added to .exe files that hog CPU processing like crazy, and worst off it seems to have infected virtually every program in the system. I’m hoping it can be recovered without having to scrap everything.
Permissions change, *32 is added to .exe files that hog CPU processing like crazy
Can you make screenshot of this?
I’ve attached the screenshots. I hope it helps. I’m sorry it took so long to respond, but the computer froze up again.
That *32 mean that process is 32-bit. Nothing to worry about.
Since your PC is freezing I suscpect on hardware issue. When is the last time you cleaned up dust inside of your PC?
I cleaned the dust out less then 3 months ago. Attached is one of the reports I received from Office 365 Security and Compliance reports. I am no expert, but it seems like whatever malware, virus, etc. is infecting this system is affecting the 64 bit versions of MalwareBytes, Avast, TeamViewer, Adobe, and a lot of other programs in the system.
From what I read from that report, those are “malicious” mails sent from 3rd party addresses to coworkers of yours addresses. Since they were blocked by Office 365 mail server there is nothing to worry about.
FRST logs doesn’t show traces of active infection on your PC. However, you have a lot programs running in background so consider closing, removing from startup or uninstalling those you don’t need.
I keep trying to do that as well and I am unable to. Says the system is unable to delete it all or it comes right back.
Please, make a screenshot of that what " system is unable to delete it".