Insert License key problem in avast 7.0 version


I’m try to insert my license key into my avast , but when i try to insert the license key i’m following this url

But in this video it showing under maintainence button it shows the registration option but in my avast it showing subscription otpion, so , i click on this but there is no option called as
"Insert The License key " option.
What should i do now.
Any body help me regarding this …

Which avast version do you want to use: Free or Pro?



Strange, in the other topic you said that you want the free version. ::slight_smile: ???

please check this link
here i downloaded the avast anti virus , in that i’m selecting 2 option that is pro antivirus then it’s go to this url

here i’m downloading that .exe file and then install it in my pc.
Now trial period is completed.So, i need to insert the license file for that i’m asking you

DJ already answered you in your other topic…!!

Yes, Now only i check that it’s cleared i try to install the free anti virus in my PC.
Thanks alot DJ & Asyn

You’re welcome.

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:
