Install Advice, Please

I posted last week about an install problem… Turns out that the License I purchased doesn’t really activate Avast! if I apply it to the Free version. I had to Download the Avast! Internet Security and install it (using the license on that install)…

So… I’m trying to do the same thing on a second computer today… But I can’t find where to download the Avast! Internet Security program without being asked to buy it again.

Where do I go to get that download?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Thank you for the prompt response.

I may have another question in a moment… :slight_smile:


So I downloaded it… and got
“OK” or “View Log”

What’s this about?

Last time I simply downloaded the file FIRST… THEN I uninstalled the Free Version… THEN I installed the Internet Security version…

This time it just went straight into Install of the Internet Version.

Should I first uninstall the Free version… THEN Download this file and install it?

If I view the Log, this is what I get:

16.03.2010 09:22:06 general: Started: 16.03.2010, 09:22:06 16.03.2010 09:22:06 general: Running setup_ais-1ce (462) 16.03.2010 09:22:06 system: Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 3.0 [Service Pack 3] 16.03.2010 09:22:06 system: Memory: 64% load. Phys:92076/260096K free, Page:4098672/4194303K free, Virt:2064788/2097024K free 16.03.2010 09:22:06 system: Computer WinName: DK 16.03.2010 09:22:06 system: Windows Net User: DK\Pwr User 16.03.2010 09:22:06 general: Cmdline: /sfx /sfxstorage "C:\DOCUME~1\D&KUSE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\" /srcpath "C:\DOCUME~1\D&KUSE~1\MYDOCU~1\TEMPIN~1\TEMPOR~1\Content.IE5\0SHMZ999" /sfxname "setup_ais" /spawnfordeleter 16.03.2010 09:22:06 general: DldSrc set to sfx 16.03.2010 09:22:06 general: Old version: 18c (396) 16.03.2010 09:22:06 registry: Deleted registry: Software\Alwil Software\Avast\5.0\UpdateReady 16.03.2010 09:22:06 general: SGW32AIS::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1 16.03.2010 09:22:06 system: Installed in: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5 (20717M free) 16.03.2010 09:22:06 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings 16.03.2010 09:22:06 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet 16.03.2010 09:22:06 package: IsInstalledPartVpuOkay: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\part-prg_ais-1ce.vpx does not exist 16.03.2010 09:22:06 package: Part prg_ais-1ce was guessed as installed 16.03.2010 09:22:06 package: Part vps_win32-10031600 is installed 16.03.2010 09:22:06 package: IsInstalledPartVpuOkay: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\part-setup_ais-1ce.vpx does not exist 16.03.2010 09:22:06 package: Part setup_ais-1ce was guessed as installed 16.03.2010 09:22:06 package: Part jrog-66 is installed 16.03.2010 09:22:06 general: LoadState: Edition=1 16.03.2010 09:22:06 general: Old version: 18c (396) 16.03.2010 09:22:13 file: SetExistingFilesBitmap: 304->85->33 16.03.2010 09:22:13 general: GUID: ba9bbbd1-da8c-40bf-bf8a-6ad1cafc7b23 16.03.2010 09:22:13 general: SelectCurrent: selected server 'tmp sfx storage' from 'sfx' 16.03.2010 09:22:13 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings 16.03.2010 09:22:13 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet 16.03.2010 09:22:13 package: sfx edition: 1 16.03.2010 09:22:13 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\D&KUSE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\\prod-ais.vpx 16.03.2010 09:22:13 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-5a returned 00000000 16.03.2010 09:22:13 package: LoadPartInfo: program = prg_ais-1ce returned 00000000 16.03.2010 09:22:13 package: LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_ais-1ce returned 00000000 16.03.2010 09:22:13 package: LoadPartInfo: vps = vps_win32-10030900 returned 00000000 16.03.2010 09:22:13 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\D&KUSE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\\prod-ais.vpx ended with 00000000 16.03.2010 09:22:27 general: progress thread start 16.03.2010 09:22:27 internet: Used server: C:\DOCUME~1\D&KUSE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\ 16.03.2010 09:22:27 file: GetFileWithRetry: servers.def.vpx downloaded . 16.03.2010 09:22:27 internet: Used server: C:\DOCUME~1\D&KUSE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\ 16.03.2010 09:22:27 file: GetFileWithRetry: prod-ais.vpx downloaded . 16.03.2010 09:22:27 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\prod-ais.vpx 16.03.2010 09:22:27 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-5a returned 00000000 16.03.2010 09:22:27 package: LoadPartInfo: program = prg_ais-1ce returned 00000000 16.03.2010 09:22:27 package: LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_ais-1ce returned 00000000 16.03.2010 09:22:27 package: LoadPartInfo: vps = vps_win32-10030900 returned 00000000 16.03.2010 09:22:27 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\prod-ais.vpx ended with 00000000 16.03.2010 09:22:27 package: ERROR: Unable to load 'C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\part-prg_ais-1ce.vpx' 16.03.2010 09:22:27 package: ERROR:LoadAllPartsVpus, code:0x20000011 16.03.2010 09:22:27 package: LoadAllDefs failed 0x20000011 16.03.2010 09:22:27 general: Err:The package is broken.

You downloaded it and started it?
Download from here again:
At the bottom of the page you can download trial version without buying.

apparently that’s what happened…
Last week I was able to simply download it… then install it when I felt like it.

Today, as I downloaded it, it jumped right into install right off the bat.

I’ll poke around here for a moment and get back to you.

OK… I also downloaded the Avast Uninstaller…

But when I click on it, I get:

The Avast! self protection module is enabled. For this reason the operation can not be completed. To complete this operation, either run this program from Windows Safe Mode, or disable the Avast! self protection. (via Settings -> Troubleshooting Page)

Any idea how to do this?

OK! The REASON I’m uninstalling is: The download I just installed is buggy. I can’t run a scan. I can’t update. I can’t do much of anything… So, I was going to uninstall it and reinstall it.

Just do as it demands: disable the self protection. (Settings, Troubleshooting Tab)
Or boot to safe mode (press F8 during boot repeatedly until the windows boot menu appears, select “safe mode”)

avast! 5 Free doesn’t need a license key. All you do is enter your email address and avast! 5 Free is automatically registered.

That’s true, but we are talking about the AIS. :wink:

Well… after finally uninstalling and deleting… then re-downloading and re-installing…

Everything is fine. :slight_smile:

;D Congrats. 8)