Install failed in Virtualbox XP SP3+

I’ve run the setup, it downloaded and installed the three prerequisites: the IIS, the hotfix and .Net 4. The Windows CD was asked by IIS setup. No problems.
Then the sbc setup was downloaded and start to install. Once it stopped in “Installing service…” and wait there forever.
Then I restore the virtual disk and tryed again. It stopped on a “prerequisite”, although that phase went without errors.

How can I install it?
By the way, after installing the prerequisites, Windows Update shows missing updates to “new” components.
I’ve tryed to install sbc before and after running Windows Update.

I’ve finished the avast Business Protection translate, but I want to see the interface…

Hi Tech,
thanks for the report. Could you please be more specific about the “Installing service” part? For how long does the installer stay there? This part of installation can take more than 30 minutes. This strongly depends on the connection speed, because the installer is downloading a mirror of our update server, which contains packages for all client versions of the avast! antivirus. We are aware of this and the installer is going to display more info about the download process in the next version.

I’ve heard quite fewtimes that VirtualPC and Virtualbox have problems with certain programs. Kaspersky and Comodo don’t work properly in these two. It’s possible that the same applies to avast!..

This shouldn’t be the case. avast! Business Protection was heavily tested using VirtualBox version 3.2.12. This applies to both client and server part.

Tech, did you restore the machine to a clean state? Isn’t it possible, that some leftovers from previous installation were still there? Especially SQL server 2008 Express? I already saw this “4154” error once, but I was unable to reproduce it again.

My fault then… I’ve quit before this…
But now I’m in trouble as I can’t install at all due to the “prerequisite” blocking.
I can’t get back to the “Install service…” stage.
Is there any way to do that? Uninstalling does not solve? Is there an aswClear.exe for this version?

I’ve tried to do so. Right now I need to manage how to “clean” the installation to remove this prerequisite question.
Also, should I install avast side by side with the business version? Won’t it detect that the virtual machine does not have an installed antivirus? Can’t I deploy it to the virtual machine?

I’ve uninstalled the SQL Server 2008 and try to install again.
I can reproduce the same prerequisite installation error.
Which is this prerequisite?

please choose custom install and go to the SQL page. Are there any instances listed in the combobox under Use existing server ? If you select one and click Next, does it display an error ?

The combobox is empty… Nothing is listed there.
The browse button also gives nothing.

Select ‘Download and install SQL Server 2008 R2 Express’, go on and post the ‘Ready to install’ page.

Well… It passed was I was out… and installed!
I don’t know how it solved the problem…

Well, the interface translation is a big mess between English and Portuguese.
I’m sure the last Passolo file sent by Igor does NOT contain all the strings in English.
I’m seeing texts I’ve never read before, words never used.
Maybe the translators did not receive it full.

Also, there are errors in the Portuguese (like use portuguese with minus and not Caps) and I’m sure it’s not on my translation.

dashboard looks nice and clean though. BIG upgrade from the current ADNM. Look forward to playing/working with it. ;D

Sorry about this, but we’ve been adding new strings each week. As the release notes say, the translations are not ready yet.

In the case when application is not able to find “localized” version of a string, it reverts to English - that’s what is causing the mess in the current state.


Ok… When Igor is ready to send the new Passolo file, just let me know :slight_smile:
Seems a very user friendly version and it’s working in a virtual machine (although I can’t test the most network features…).