Install failure Version 7

Version 7 install goes all the way through and fails at the end, providing the following information. This makes no sense to me and certainly does not help figure out what is going wrong. Does anyone know how to help?

Thanks in advance!

what antivirus did you use before installing avast?
have you uninstalled it before installing avast?

ERROR: VC redistributable check failed, error 0x000036B1
11.201214:24:48Return code: 0x000036B1 [This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.]

You will need to manually install the correct version for your system

I believe it was Avast Version 6, and yes, it was uninstalled using the awsclear.exe software. Doesn’t help.

Ok, essexboy, thanks – how do I manually install the correct version for your system? I thought version 7 was the correct version. No???

What is the OS is it XP, Vista or 7 as the vcredist is specific to your computer

Sorry, should have told you, essexboy – I have Win XP, all patches and updates installed. What do I do now?

See if you have Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Sp1- 86x 9.0.30729.6161 installed. See screenshot.

Start > Control panel > Add & Remove programs

Even if you have it, reinstall it just to discard any corrupted file.

essexboy – no luck still failing to install after reinstalling C++ program. Anything else I need to try?

I will forward this to the Avast staff to see if there is a solution

Could you confirm that you followed iroc9555’s advice and reinstalled Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Sp1- 86x 9.0.30729.6161

essexboy – No, I followed your link and install the C++ 2010 version that you suggested because of the two suggested, I thought the latest version of that would be the preferred one. Do you want me to uninstall the 2010 version and install the 2008 version suggested by iroc9555???

Yes please at it appears that, the 2010 may be the problem

essexboy and iroc9555. No luck whatsoever. Uninstalled the 2010 version, reinstalled iroc’s suggestion, no luck…here is the latest error file. I have no clue what to do now. HELP?

ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION different error code now… Will see what I can find


I belive the link I gave you above installs C++ 2008 v. 9.0.30729.4148. You need to look for Windows update to install C++ 2008 v. 9.0.30729.6161. See the screenshot in reply # 7.

Anyways I would run aswclear.exe in safe mode for Avast! 6 and then Avast! 7 just in case any registry key was left behind by the first two fail attents to install Avast! when you did not have Visual C++ 2008.

A few more points to consider:

Any other old and forgotten AV ?




Don’t give up.

Did you do what I asked ?

Wait for Essexboy to aswer ?

Yes, I did exactly what you asked…nothing changed, still won’t install…I’m sure it is my computer and it would probably take a complete reinstall of XP to fix things. I’m just tired of M$FT junk which is why I have gone to Mac. I’ll wait to see if anyone else has a suggestion and I thank you for trying so diligently.

I beleive that you are right and it is something about your system, maybe a driver for one of your programmes or a corrupt file somewhere within XP