Installing Avast Free was at 75% when PC crashed. Now when rebooted the 75% progress screen pops, but does not continue. I can’t restart the install, and I can’t uninstall because Avast is not installed. I tried Clear but I cant turn off safeguard because, again, Avast is not installed.
I am PC Admin but I can’t modify stats.ini because it thinks its open under a different program (it’s not).
I’m comfortable editing registry if that’s what it takes.
Any suggestions on clearing and reinstalling, or completing the installation that’s already underway?
We don’t know what Avast product you were trying to install or anything about your system (OS, existing anti-virus, what Avast product you were trying to install, etc) so it is hard to advise on a resolution.
Also, I said “I tried Clear.” That’s the Avast Clear Uninstaller that didn’t work.
Finally, I said “I can’t modify stats.ini” That’s the first step when attempting to follow the “Uninstall Avast using Command Prompt” instructions from the uninstall-utility link sent by DavidR.
Last, I downloaded the offline-setup.exe DavidR suggested. It’s been running for about an hour with no progress bar displayed. I’ll let it run all night, but not holding my breath.