install/run from command line

Host OS: Windows 7, Virtualbox 3.2.6, Guest OS: Linux Slackware 13.1

I’ve decided to install an AV for Slackware due to shared folders between the Guest and the Host and as a precaution against infecting other Windows users via email and the like. I’m in a little over my head but that’s the price of learning. Downloading and untaring the file was successful. I entered the license key and ran the update. Now I’m stuck. The update is the only executable I can find without delving deep into the labyrinth of folders only to come up with a segmentation error. What can I do with avast@ or avastgui@.Need help running this program, I appreciate your time and patience…thanks

There’s no executable “update”, it’s only script, which takes new 400.vps from our servers.
But, with newer VPS, you shour check whether you SHM limits are stil sufficient to accomodate avast’s database (see the sticky post in this forum).


in terminal