Installation of Avast managed version failed

Hello, again.

After wasting 1 day trying to use deployment task in order to add computers / install clients, I decided go ahead and use the MSI package installation.

  • Installation crashes at the last point, when trying to start the service —> Product was installed but no way to start up the service:
    “Unable to start avast Service error code 00000433 has occured”.
  • At least on the server side, computer was added to the catalogue, but it was considered as with non Engine installed.

When restarting the client → TCP/IP stack were completely broken… there was no way to make work network services. no network connection, unable to get an answer for an ipconfig , no way to start any of the Windows services related to network.

Finally after some tests → Uninstall antivirus with the Unisntaller tool, was the only way to make everything work again.
I have test it, 4 times, and always I got the same result.

I thought it was a problem related to a wrong package, but I have also download the managed version setup, and I got the same result.

Any idea?

I want to check the suite before buying it for 200 clients and 8 servers…