Installation Packages Refer to Wrong MSI Package Name


When I originally installed ADNM I created a package called “2008-04-26 AVAST Client Install.msi”. During my latest package creation I created a new package called “AVAST NetClient Nov 2009.msi” so I could make sure it had the 4.8 version in it. Unfortunately, when I run the installer it’s asking for the old package instead of using itself.
How do I get this fixed? Thanks.


What does your deploy task have set for the installation package?

As a side note, I’ve only had to create one package, it seems that everytime I push it out to clients, it’s always up to date. I’ve never had to “update” the package by creating new ones. Not that I know of anyway.

Welcome to the forum!

Oh, this was taken from the ADNM FAQ page, it’s not entirely the answer, but it does say that ADNM will automatically maintain the packages for you:

Where can I download the avast! managed client setup program?


Normally, you don’t have to do this. This is because the avast! Management Server (the principal part of ADNM) automatically maintains its local mirror of all installation packages and lets you deploy the managed clients by using the Deployment tasks (or a couple of alternative methods, as described in the ADNM Administrator’s Guide).

If you still need to download the separate setup EXEs, please see the bottom ADNM