Installation problem in Win 2000 Server

Anybody know why Avast 4 would think my Win 2000 Server OS is older than Win NT 4 SP 4?? I’ve done my best to look in the FAQs and old postings, but haven’t found an answer.

I get:

Err:Operating system does not meet minimal requirements. You can
install only on Windows NT4 with Service Pack 4 or better. Cannot be
installed on NT Server.

When I try to install, it bombs out, producing the following error log:

03.03.2004 16:35:58 general: Started: 03.03.2004, 16:35:58
03.03.2004 16:35:58 general: Running setup_av_pro-165 (357)
03.03.2004 16:35:58 system: Operating system: Windows2000 ver 5.0, build 2195, sp 4.0 [Service Pack 4] SERVER
03.03.2004 16:35:58 system: Computer WinName: PC1
03.03.2004 16:35:58 system: Windows Net User: PC1\Administrator
03.03.2004 16:35:58 general: Cmdline: /sfx /sfxstorage “C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\” /srcpath “C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop”
03.03.2004 16:35:58 general: DldSrc set to sfx
03.03.2004 16:35:58 general: Old version: ffffffff (-1)
03.03.2004 16:35:58 general: Install check: SetupVersion does NOT exist
03.03.2004 16:35:58 general: SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 0
03.03.2004 16:35:58 registry: Get registry: Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version=6.0.2800.1106
03.03.2004 16:35:58 general: Err:Operating system does not meet minimal requirements. You can install only on Windows NT4 with Service Pack 4 or better. Cannot be installed on NT Server.
03.03.2004 16:35:58 general: errordlg: 375,135

As you can see, I have Win 2000 server with the latest service pack.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


It’s pretty self-explanatory…


  • Windows 95
  • Windows 98
  • Windows Me
  • Windows NT 4 (No Server)
  • Windows 2000 (No Server)
  • Windows XP (No Server)

It will NOT install to any server product. That’s the meat&potatos of the AV world.

Hrrmm… it absolutely is self-explanatory… but only if that applies to the home version as well.

The link ( shows info for Avast 4 Professional Version.

The text on the page for the Home Version ( simply shows:


  • Windows 95
  • Windows 98
  • Windows Me
  • Windows NT 4
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows XP

So either it’s a different problem, or that web page needs to be clearer.

In any case, thanks for the quick response.

–spinhook , last paragraph. This page can be accessed from by clicking System Requirements on the left.