Shortly, no.
The on-demand scanning uses the engines of the on-access (resident) scanner.
avast is NOT a good on-demand only antivirus. It’s designed to be the resident.
Which other antivirus are you trying to use at the same time? ;D
I’m going to install Comodo Internet Security when it comes out of beta but the detection rates are still fairly low until they build up their database. CIS has HIPS though, so it wouldn’t matter if the virus got in b/c it wouldn’t be able to do anything without alerting me, but is till like a clean PC so i wanted to have avast as a good on demand scanner w/o any resident protection installed.
You’re overestimating the HIPS capacity… it’s not a panaceia…
Not a good decision imho.
Comodo antivirus has a poor detection rate compared to other free ones (avast, Avira, AVG).
You can use its firewall, but I do not recommend the suite. Why for?
Yes the detection rate is very low right now b/c they haven’t built up the database. and are you referring to comodo av 2 b/c that never got out of beta. v3 is COMPLETELY different. comodo’s Defense+ (HIPS) is very powerful and will alert you of any installation, modifying, etc. many people on the comodo forum have been using JUST Comodo firewall (b/c the firewall has HIPS built in) and have not been infected for a year. CIS is the first free suite and it almost out of beta. it uses barely any resources. i have learned at comodo that the AV is not the first line of defense anymore.
I know the differences of version 3. Also I respect the power of HIPS, just that I can’t rely only on it…
Well… haven’t installed software, haven’t browser dangerous sites, etc. etc.
For sure, Defense+ only is NOT a panaceia or solution to keep clean. More, I won’t rely on it without an antivirus… just impossible to keep clean imho.
yes. i understand your view. not everyone can keep clean with HIPS especially if you don’t know what your doing. one wrong click could be trouble. but then again, i wouldn’t rely on an av w/o some type of hips protection also running.
I don’t particularly like suites for the points that you mentioned not all elements of it are the best in show by dogs. So I like to choose each protective element rather than leave that up to the developer.
If the CIS basically comprises the Firewall, and AV then there is no advantage in using it when you don’t want to use their AV but to use avast, that fact won’t change when it comes out of beta. So you can continue with comodo firewall with defence+ for the HIPs addition to the firewall and avast for AV. To my mind the best of both worlds.
There are many stand alone HIPs applications if you didn’t use comodo but wanted to bolster your protection. When avast 5 is released it will also incorporate a behavioural module.
There is also an avast firewall in development and like avast 5 there are no firm dates for release but these also give flexibility to choose specific applications rather than a suite (though at some point that will be an option for new avast users who like the idea of a suite).
That won’t change my view of the antivirus and considering we don’t know anything about the firewall as yet, I will still use the avast! AV but not the suite as and when it appears, I like my current firewall.
HIPS a panacea, I do not think so. Read this:
I strongly believe in an overall layered security solution, a combination of resident av-scanner that is avast for me, additional non-resident av scanning (in my case ClamWin and DrWebCureIt, eventually stinger.exe etc.), if necessary online av scanning, resident anti-spyware protection in the form of SpywareBlaster, anti spyware protection in realtime: Comodo BoClean, SUPER Anti Spyware and MalwareByte’s Anti-Malware, analysis programs like the latest freefixer, latest hijackthis, startdreck and several forensic proggies and tools. In-browser security for Firefox with for example NoScript, ABP additional malwareblocking, Firekeeper *IDS solution), cookie manager, anti-phishing solutions and Perspectives extension to analyze the validity of certificates, Safe Cache, Safe Memory, and last but not least ways to clear all temporal and other crap ATF Cleaner and ClearProg, several anti rootkit scanners, a decent way of closing the vulnerability window,