Installed Internet Security now now Firewall or ability to update virus definiti

I have been running the free Avast program and just installed the Internet Security program. The home page is showing that I need to turn on the firewall and update the virus definitions. However, neither of these features is working. When I try to do either I get a message telling me the firewall is not available and another that the definitions are up to date. Any ideas?

After you upgrade your avast! to Internet Security, did you reboot the machine? If not reboot the computer and check with avast!.

Plus make sure that you dosent have any other security softwares in the computer.

If you have any other security software apart from avast!. Makesure you remove it using the vendor’s own removal tool. You can find the removal tools from the below link

One you remove it, reboot the computer and check the status of avast!. Update us with results.

I have tried all that you suggested. Nothing’s changed.

Please try a repair of avast via remove programs- double click avast and scroll down to repair and accept, reboot after running, if this does not solve your issue then i suggest a clean install of avast.

If you have further problems please reply with information about your system and version of avast installed


Before repairing the avast

You can try this…

 Open the avast! GUI -> settings -> updates -> no proxy (direct connection).

Then UPDATE THE PROGRAMME from the Maintenance tab.

Restart the PC.

If these steps wont help you ,please follow the above mentioned steps from “craigb”

And how is that going to repair the firewall ??? A repair should be the first step taken which will in turn also update the program if needed.

If the OP installed internet security by inserting License file in the Avast free (ie direct upgrade from FREE version to internet security),the UPDATING the programme may sometimes resolve the issue.We are doing that here everyday.

Still the first step should be repair/reboot, if the OP happened to upgrade to AIS from the free version then there previous updating settings would not be changed.
The issues iv seen on this forum from upgrading from free to AIS have usually been solved with clean installs if a repair fails to work.

Now back to waiting for the OP’s reply :wink:

Sorry to be so slooooowwww… lots going on around here.

I did what iYogisolutions suggested and it worked.

Thank you so much :slight_smile: