INSTALLER and post-install revalidation of deployed files is totally broken
it updated all the key components like drivers and such
and failed to update 90% of the binaries and librarires except the most used
so it looked like updated version but in reality was broken like hell
all because the installer just copied the *.tmp files into e.g. C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\ and subfolders
but actually failed to overwrite the existing files and did nothing else (e.g. warn it failed)
so end-user gets “success” info and has no idea his AV is totally messed and broken en random
ok I can clearly see the Avast! update from 2261 to 2262 failed partially
“Avast! System drivers” were updated properly
“C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast*.*” files failed to be updated
I see tons of A*.tmp files which are new and actually are newer libraries inside
so serious flaw on the updater part (two+ restarts since btw.)
it seems like the installer/updater is missing ‘final’ part where it scans hashes of all Avast! libraries and executables
don’t you have some binary which does this
to generate log with list/updates all missing/obsolete libraries / components ?
so, after tracking and replacing some hundred files the Avast ! updater/installer failed to rename/update
I must say that
avast! antivirus and other projects naming convention for filenames is terrible
terrific rules for ‘Original FileName’ description field
A. often not being the final name used
B. even funnier formats like this one or none
“VBoxRT.dll VBoxRT.dll VBoxRT.dll”
I really can’t understood why there is no binary to check integrity of Avast!'s files
it will search C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\
same goes for \Common Files\Av* w/e
then list all missing or corrupt / obsolete files (not matching latest version)
because it’s simple matter of hash list
so one could easily run “AvastIntegrityCheck.exe”
it would toss out “All files are correct!” or “Problem detected, please see log ‘AvastIntegrityCheck.log’ for details !”
I have left this system on the regular release version (I got tired with the permanent Beta branding on the UI) and as yet I haven’t been offered 11.2.2262 or whatever mixed up build number that is going to end up with.
Can you copy the Setup.log and Update.log files from “C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Persistent Data\Avast\Logs”, strip any private information and share them with us?
while that’s certainly valid point about integrity check, it’s basically what Avast Repair does (is supposed to do). Unfortunately, in your case it seems that our installer/repair is unable to schedule those temporary files to be moved to their correct place. And that’s rather odd and I would be glad to find out why. Can you check you Avast log files and/or PendingFileRenameOperations key before and after reboot? There must be something that is preventing us to write there.