Installiation Problem

When installing Avast 4.1 Home/Pro edition I get the following error.

“You don’t have ODBC drivers installed, or they are corrupt. You can download them at

I went to the recommended site but cannot find which files to download.

I am running Win98 4.10.1998

Could someone advise me which files I need.

Kiwi John.

You can try ignoring this warning and install avast anyway. There is a chance it’s gonna work OK; if it doesn’t let us know…


I solved this error, in the past, when I was making ‘tests’ of avast in a very old PC with Windows 95! When I installed ‘Office 97’ there (this is becoming the Jurassic Park!) avast! runs smoothly after, without asking for ODBC… Is that what you mean Vlk when said ‘There is a chance’? ;D

Thanks for the help. I took Vlk’s advise and continued with the install. Avast installed correctly and appears to be functioning normally.
Now, all I need is a virus to test the program :slight_smile:

Thanks again.

Kiwi John

You have a ‘virus test’ in eicar files:

You have a 'virus test' in eicar files:

Thanks, I will give it a try.
Kiwi John