Installing Avant Home Edition on 2 PCs

Can I install Avant Home Edition on my two home pcs without incurring a charge? ???

As long as it is for non-commercial use at home, you may use avast! home edition on multiple computers, with no charge. The same registration key may be used for both, if I am not mistaken.

Welcome to avast!

Thank you very much. Should point out that I am not there yet. Still need answers to one or two questions.

Is there a built in Firewall?

I am currently using Bullguard which has a built in Firewall. Is it worth changing over?

check this topic: all ur questions are answered there… :wink:

Maybe you’re talking about AVAST Home Edition, not AVANT. AVANT is a browser. Just for a clarification.

No. avast is not a Suite, it’s just an antivirus.

Bullguard is a suite and it’s NOT compatible with avast. You should choose between one and another.