After installing Avast, using the web installer downloaded today 22/march/2016, on a fresh windows 10 install upon restarting the computer i get a splash screen saying Starting “Automatic repair” → “Diagnosing Computer” → “Your PC did not start properly”.
Diagnosing startup problems fails. the only way to fix it is to perform a clean install of windows 10.
Steps to reproduce.
install windows 10
install avast
after installing avast reboot computer
Once avast is installed if you open up the user interface it comes up with an error saying that the background service could not start. Clicking the start background service fails to start the service (no error message just nothing happens)
No problem installing Avast on Windows 10 but this fix isn’t related to the users problem.
The fix is for a problem with the start menu and Cortana not working.
What other Security programs are installed ??? What AV was on the system and how was it removed ???
There was no antivirus installed, in fact nothing was installed. The only steps I took were:
[ol]- Install windows from the cd on a freshly formatted drive (right clicking the setup executable on the disk says that the file version of the installer is 10.0.10240.16384)
Connect to the internet and download the avast installer
Install avast
Once the avast tray icon appears restart the computer
You can no longer boot into windows. You cannot boot in safe mode. Running startup repair fails.[/ol]
Obviously, because you cannot boot into windows you cannot “Repair and reset Avast Antivirus” as suggested in the FAQ.
I have also ran into the same issue. I have gotten lucky in that my Windows 10 had been installed for a couple of months and had a recovery point already saved and the system was able to revert back to an earlier point. I contacted Avast about it and they had me run the cleaner tool which restarted my computer into ‘Safe Mode’ and then uninstalled the avast and then they had me retry installing the Avast 2016. All that succeeded in doing was freezing up my system near the end of the install. After hard rebooting, I got windows back running, but the Avast never completely installed and wasn’t running. I tried doing it on my second Windows 10 machine and had the same problems. Now I have 2 computers that have no antivirus on and since the previous version isn’t offered anymore through avast, I have no way of getting Avast back on my system and might have to put Nortons on it since I can get it for free from my internet service provider.
Cortana also causes lockups within W10.
Frankly, it is POS feature of W10…makes Siri looked terrific.
You still get normal search without it.
Note, turning off (disable) by slider button really does little good with bad background events.
You need to disable in Group Policy…very easy to do and works well. Cortana - Enable or Disable in Windows 10
OPTION ONE Cortana - Enable or Disable in Windows 10
To Enable or Disable Cortana using Group Policy
Here is link:
I had no other security software. I had disabled the Windows Defender right after updating to Win 10 before I had installed the previous version of Avast. I didn’t have any problems until I noticed that there was a new version of the Avast software and attempted to update it and then everything crapped out.