Installing Avast! on 2 Win XP profiles

I installed Avast! on my profile on Windows XP home with no problem. Unfortunately, on my wife’s profile, the program gives me an invalid license key error. I did the cut and paste method for the license, and also registered the program for the other profile, but the same error occurs. Has someone had the same issue as me? If so, what can I do?

avast must be registered only once, in the administrator account, not in limited ones.
Please, I suggest you uninstall / boot / install again by the administrator account / boot / register
Please, do not jump the boots ;D

Wellcome to avast forums! 8)

Thanks for your advice. I uninstalled the program, then reinstalled. It gave me the same error. Is there something I could be doing wrong when installing the program?

Did you downgrade from Pro version to Home?
Does the problem occur only in your wife’s account and not yours?
Are you the administrator account in that computer?

I’ve only had the home version. The problem does occur only in her account, but we are both administrators on the computer.

what happens if you uninstall, and then your wife reinstalls it in her profile ?
Can she use it then ?

and you, too ?

what is the complete installation path/folder of avast, btw… ?

My opinion: not a good (easy) configuration to handle. I suggest only one Administrator.

Anybody from Alwil could say something? :o

If your disk is a NTFS partition you should check the avast folder permissions and grant all rights to all users.

Ok, I agree. This can solve but this can mess everything… Take care 8)

This is the role of the administrator, isn’t it ? ::slight_smile:

Yeah ;D
Changing permissions of folders, specially the ones under ‘Program files’ and ‘Document and Settings’ could mess your installation and you cannot go back easily. You must change the way of XP makes shares and take notes of everything you change.

It’s easier to have just one administrator and the others, advanced users (if you want more than limited account users).

Finally, what is the solution to this problem I also have ?

Thank you.