I did down load the avast but the icon doesn’t show in the tray. Plus the Resident Protection will not go on. Do I need it? I have it checked on the options menu to show in the tray but it won’t. I have followed the advice on http://www.avast.com/eng/faq-blue-ball-icons.html for the tray icon, but it didn’t work. I had run a program, HiJack This, and the MSN group that advise me on how to use it says that it is not even showing on the list as being even there.
Plus the Resident Protection will not go on. Do I need it?Yes you need it.
I have it checked on the options menu to show in the tray but it won't.It shows the blue ball on my system tray in WinME.
What HijackThis shows in regards to avast Home edition:
Running processes:
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [avast! Web Scanner] C:\PROGRA~1\ALWILS~1\AVAST4\ASHWEBSV.EXE
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [ashMaiSv] C:\PROGRA~1\ALWILS~1\AVAST4\ashmaisv.exe
O4 - HKLM..\RunServices: [avast!] C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe
Are you the only user on the system?
I am the only users on the system. Maybe I could try to uninstall it and try over? None of those lines are on my hijack log.
Un-install it then re-download a fresh copy of the installation application then install that.
I went looking for it to uninstall and it’s not even on my list but it’s in my progrom files. Can I try to reinstall it and will it copy over that folder or should I delete the folder and try then to reinstall?
If it is not in Add/Remove Programs then it did not install completly.
Just run the downloaded install application.
Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
That is a major contributory factor to failed installations.
Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, find it here and save it to your HDD.
Now uninstall (using add remove programs), reboot, run the avast! Uninstall Utility, reboot, install the latest version, reboot.
This however, should be secondary to removing any other AV you have installed if you do, so we need an answer to the above question. It is probably better not to install over the top of a failed installation but to completely remove the failed install first.
I had AVG 7.5 and uninstalled it under my uninstall listings since it will not longer be and good and rebooted before trying to install Avast. I did uninstall avast with the tool listed above. When ever I try to down load it ( Avast ) and reboot like asked, after rebooting I get a warning from windows that the registory is bad and needs to fix and reboot. That is when avast goes bad on me.
Please, post the last 200-250 lines of avast log: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\Setup.log
22:20:45 min/gen Started: 18.05.2008, 22:20:45
22:20:45 min/gen Running setup_av_pro-4b1 (1201)
22:20:45 nrm/sys Operating system: WindowsMe ver 4.90, build 3000
22:20:45 nrm/sys Memory: 54% load. Phys:43036/391356K free, Page:1667280/1705792K free, Virt:2073600/2093056K free
22:20:45 vrb/sys Computer WinName: HYDENS PUTER
22:20:45 min/sys Windows Net User: HazelRusty
22:20:45 min/gen Cmdline: /refresh /noreboot /updatevps /verysilent /limitcpu
22:20:45 vrb/gen Operation set to INST_OP_UPDATE_INSTALL_PACKAGES
22:20:45 min/gen Old version: 4b1 (1201)
22:20:45 nrm/sys Using temp: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP_av_proI.tm~a33303 (8248M free)
22:20:45 nrm/gen SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
22:20:45 nrm/sys Installed in: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4 (8248M free)
22:20:45 nrm/int SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
22:20:45 nrm/int SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
22:20:46 vrb/pkg Part prg_av_pro-4b1 is installed
22:20:46 vrb/pkg Part vps-8051801 is installed
22:20:46 vrb/pkg Part news-4b is installed
22:20:46 vrb/pkg Part setup_av_pro-4b1 is installed
22:20:46 vrb/pkg Part jrog-3b is installed
22:20:46 min/gen Old version: 4b1 (1201)
22:20:48 vrb/fil SetExistingFilesBitmap: 1054->127->127
22:20:48 min/gen GUID: 99e58fff-dafa-4e92-9e28-a63644b7e550
22:20:48 vrb/gen Entering:UpdateInstallPackages
22:20:48 min/pkg LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu
22:20:48 vrb/pkg LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-3b returned 00000000
22:20:48 vrb/pkg LoadPartInfo: news = news-4b returned 00000000
22:20:48 vrb/pkg LoadPartInfo: program = prg_av_pro-4b1 returned 00000000
22:20:48 vrb/pkg LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_av_pro-4b1 returned 00000000
22:20:48 vrb/pkg LoadPartInfo: vps = vps-8051801 returned 00000000
22:20:48 min/pkg LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu ended with 00000000
22:20:48 min/pkg LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-prg_av_pro-4b1.vpu’ returned 00000000
22:20:48 min/pkg LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-vps-8051801.vpu’ returned 00000000
22:20:48 min/pkg LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-news-4b.vpu’ returned 00000000
22:20:48 min/pkg LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-setup_av_pro-4b1.vpu’ returned 00000000
22:20:48 vrb/pkg WARN:LoadPartVpu ended on no pInfo
22:20:48 min/pkg LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-jrog-3b.vpu’ returned 00000000
22:20:48 vrb/pkg FilterOutExistingFiles: 127 & 127 = 0
22:20:48 vrb/pkg FilterOutExistingFiles: 127 & 127 = 0
22:20:48 vrb/pkg IsFullOkay: vps-8051800.vpu - is okay
22:20:48 vrb/pkg IsFullOkay: vpsm-8051801.vpu - is okay
22:20:48 vrb/pkg ArePartsInstallable: 1
22:21:11 min/pkg vps: updated [8051801]
22:21:11 vrb/fil Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4*.*
22:21:11 vrb/fil Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\images*.*
22:21:11 vrb/fil Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH*.*
22:21:11 vrb/fil Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH\HtmlData*.*
22:21:11 vrb/fil Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH\HELP*.*
22:21:11 nrm/pkg Transferred: files 0, bytes 0, time 0 ms
22:21:11 nrm/pkg Retries: total 0, files 0, servers 0
22:21:11 vrb/fil NeedReboot=false
22:21:11 min/gen Return code: 0x20000000 [Something done]
22:21:11 min/gen Stopped: 18.05.2008, 22:21:11
It seems ok and updating…
Although more lines of the log should be analyzed… I don’t find an error on it.
I have attached a file of the set up log.
I really need to head to bed now, but I will ook at your answer in the morning.
Hi Tammy
see my thread “update na” - Wyrmrider
but do not do anything till you check with Tech
the uninstall worked for me after I upgraded from AVG
If you do have an incomplete AVG removal the ANTIVIR website has a “Antivir Regclean” which also removes other vendors left overs- or you may have to reinstall and re-remove AVG 7.x DO NOT INSTALL AVG 8
There are also links to Norton, MCaffe etc uninstallers depending on what you may have had before
as I said do whatever Tech thinks is best, post back if you used any other AVs in the past
Antivir should be very popular with x AVG W98/ ME users
good luck
Seems ok… I can’t understand what’s wrong in your computer…