First the Kudos: I’ve been using Avast for a while and I genuinely feel it’s the best antivirus tool out there, I encourage all my friends to download and use it.
I’ve upgraded to Avast 4 at home, on an XP Pro machine, which isn’t connected to the net. I downloaded all the skins at work, cut them to CD and copied them into the directory with all the other skins.
How do I get Avast to see and use these skins however? I can’t seem to find instructions or help on this, and I don’t go online from this box.
What you downloaded are 99.9% .aswcs files. Standard skin files contains .asws extensions. You’ll notice the difference. Standard .asws skin file, you can just put into standard avast! > data > skin directory among all the other skins.
Files that you downloaded (.aswcs) are also skin files but self-extracting files. Just as Vlk said, you just have to click those files twice and start them. They will automaticaly extract standard skin files into your default avast skin directory.
Thanks very much for the clarification. It all makes perfect sense now
This is an excellent, superior product, and I’ve played with many similar over the years. I am so surprised that you allow it free for home use - I am VERY grateful for that however!
For the sake of completeness, I should add that you can click both aswcs and asws files, with the same effect. The skin will be installed and avast will start using it…
So there’s really no need to copy it to the skins folder manually - let’s leave this to pros only…