Installing Verizon DLS

Today received installation materials to set up Verison DLS. The first thing I’m told is to turn off my antivirus program (aVast). Is it possible to do this & get it back? I’m 71 and mildly computer illiterate, so I don’t want to screw up my puter. Can you help? Thank you.

Yeah there shouldn’t be any problems if you turn off your antivirus software during the installation. Say your using Verizon DSL? Same here :slight_smile:

Thanks, Fixer. Now, how do I turn aVast off?

click on the spinning “a” icon> go to Standard Shield> click on Terminate.

I’m not sure it this is necessary but you can terminate the other shields as well until your done installing the DSL.

Welcome to the forum.
Actually you should do a Ri8ghtClick on the a ant then
select pause provider and select Standard Shield. :slight_smile:

Thanks guys! It worked!

That’s wonderful, hey you also get msn Premium for free as well, make sure you install that but don’t use their Security Center. :wink: