Instant Messenger Protection-??

Hello all…I have just downloaded the free version of Avast and most impressed. Found four seperate viruses. One in the boot record. I was stunned. Norton (yuck) did not. However, I am havin some difficulty and seek the advice of those here.

When configuring Avast, I noticed there was the opportunity to use the scanning capabilities for a variety of Instant Messangers. I really like this feature. I placed what I believed was the corrct file and away I went. When going back to learn more of Avast, I noticed this entire module was missing. What happened? In addition, all on my YIM “friends list” are gone. What in the heck happened. Shold not this IM module be there in the program? Yahoo seems to have gone wacky.

I am confused. Yahoo IM has been completely uninstalled and still nothing shows up. Can someone tell me why? How am I suppose to know if such a module even exist with out its presence? Should I uninstall, Avast? That does not seem correct. ???Any help would be most appreciated. I am not the most tech savy person around. I did though erase all components of YIM from the regisry.



what file are you talking about here exactly ? What WIN do you have ?
In my avast on Win2000 there’s only the possibility to check the respective messenger programs in avast’s protection control settings, no file is needed (except for trillian on W9x/ME)…

And it could be helpful if you told us exactly, which viruses were found/removed by avast
