Does Avast support instant message, like Yahoo and Aim?
Avast! Home/Pro supports:
MSN/Windows Messenger
Yahoo! Messenger
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger)
Clients that are not specificaly supported are covered by Standard Shield.
Thank you for the amswer, one more question, do we have to set this feature up or is it done by avast auotmatically?
If we have to set it up, what is the procedure to do this.
If the client is supported,Avast! automatically detects where to scan for incoming/sent files. If not specifically supported,than it will be cought when recieving of infected file is completed and Avast! checks it than. Standard Shield always keeps an eye on all the files on disk,these specificall providers are the same,but they do more thorough scan on files regardless of file extension.
For example P2P Shield catches virus in partial file (Kazaa),Standard Shield catches it when file is completely downloaded (EXE Self-Extract archive for example).
Thank you, makes my life easier, so far i think Avast is great, I have had no problems as yet.