'instup.exe' problem

After successful virus definition update ‘instup.exe’ process cannot close automatically. ‘Already up to date’ message in avast UI cannot disappear if I click on ‘Ok’ button several times. ‘instup.exe’ process continuously uses my data bandwidth, it is very irritating to me. But when I disconnect my internet ‘instup.exe’ process automatically close after few seconds.

I am using avast! free antivirus v11.1.2253 with virus definition version 160323-2

Perform a repair of avast and see if it solved the problem.

I have performed a repair but problem still occurs with ‘ask when an update is available’ settings of virus definition update.

What happens with other settings ?

Let me be try with other settings (Automatic update) until next virus definition release.

Tried in both Automatic & Mannual Update settings but problem sitll occurs

Only thing left to try is to perform a clean installation of avast.
If that doesn’t solve it, I suggest you send a support package to avast.

Thanks Eddy, I have performed a clean install & problem is solved now.

That is news I like to hear :smiley:

Take care and keep your system safe.

Few hours ago the problem arise again. Can not understand what is the actual reason…

now the problem is solved