Looks very promising …
Looks very promising …
AMD is sooooo far behind now
As they were some time ago before they took the lead for a few years, I wouldn’t count them out just yet though. Because if they go expect to pay more for Intel chips it is only this competition that Keeps Intel in check.
I have had AMD chips for years and no problems, my system usage doesn’t require a speed demon so I don’t need to pay a premium for the latest fastest chip no matter what company built it. I will be happy to see the release of these chips as it will be likely to reduce the price of the bog standard ore 2 duo. However, I’m at least a year away from a system upgrade or replacement, a very long time in Technological development.
Ooops! You’re right. Now that the PowerPC processor is dead (well its mostly an embedded chip now) AMD is the only competition left.
I wonder how far will these babies OC … ;D
Yes AMD needs to hurry up or we will all be on Intel in the future.