intelligent stream scanning/not web scanning

I’ve searched the forums for an answer, but did not fine one. If this has been answered, my apologies. With the Web Shield and the check boxes in the first customize tab, is the web shield doing anything productive if the “Enable Web Shield” is NOT checked, but the “Use Intelligent Stream Scanning” is checked? I seem to have fewer problems and faster browsing this way, but if I do not check Enable Web Shield, perhaps the Web Shield provider should just be terminated.

Yes, unless you have set up the blocking feature, disabling HTTP scanning effectively yields whole WebShield useless (no matter if “Intelligent Stream Scan” is enabled or not - maybe the option should be grayed whenever HTTP Scanning is unchecked).

BTW do you have any specific URL’s that are causing problems, or is it just your subjective feeling?


Can you add this to the wishlist? It will be more user friendly 8)

The trouble is performing downloads using Firefox. The downloads only partially complete and then freeze. I must turn off the WebShield and restart Firefox. Scanning the file with Avast after the download detects no virus.

Do you have a specific link that (always) causes the problem? If you don’t want to disclose it publically, you can send it me via IM or email… Thanks.

Usually, trying to download freeware files from is causing problems. I have also had some trouble opening up links from in Firefox when the web shield is enabled, but this is variable. It seems as though something is timing out which doesn’t happen with web shield disabled. For now, until the next version of Avast, I am disabling web shield and will run with just mail and standard shields. Not sure web shield is “ready for prime time”


Remember that the Avast Web Shield acts as an “intelligent” filter. It seems as though it filters too good at times. What is happening is the WS is actually blocking the sites you mention and they will time out giving you a Page Default/Loading error message.

I too have the WS disabled for now since I use Firefox as well. It seems to run somewhat better with the Intelligent Stream scanning disabled. Try this yourself and let VLK know the results. This might help the Avast Team “polish” up the Shield a bit.

I have not had problems with downloads from snapfiles even with WS enabled so I cannot comment on that issue.

…but unless we use the WS and report problems, they cannot be addressed. Hiding our heads :wink: in the sand doesn’t help.

PS: Just tried accessing … No trouble at all. I am just as puzzled with the WS as everyone else right now.


With Web Scanning enabled but intelligent stream scanning disabled, the downloads now seem to be working in Firefox. but this page from the wall st. journal:
will not load with web shield enabled in either firefox or mozilla. It loads fine in IE. If I disable web shield, then the above page loads in Firefox and Mozilla. Unfortunately for your testing, the page requires a subscription. I use the page frequently and will leave Web Shield disabled until the next version of Avast (which despite this problem with web shield, is a superb program.)


Yes, this is as I expected. I can load the page you mention without a problem with WS running in IE.

Since Firefox and Mozilla are basically the same platform, what affects one will normally affect the other as we have seen.

As least the Avast Team will have one more clue to work with towards a solution.

Overall, WS runs ok with Intelligent Stream scanning off. Instead of speeding things along without “cache-ing”, the IS slows things down and actually ends of blocking them. By design, the IS is supposed to scan “on the fly” which basically means it does not take time to “cache” http information but looks at it as it “passes” through locally.

I am sure that Avast Team will have a solution to this since all indications are leading down the same pathway in the Web Shield design.

Be patient. :wink: