Interesting broadband router log - what were they probing?

So this is for all the guys and gals out here with their “alu-hats” on and exploring these weirdo surveillance paranoia. :smiley:

So this was not Dulles :o, well in a sense it was, but not what you all think it was. :-X
See now how you all are being manipulated out of trusting the Interwebs ;D
I found this in my broadband router logs:

FIREWALL Hook: sink Rule Id: 4 Protocol: UDP Src_ip_port:

Was it to probe my snmp? Oh, good the firewall felt it then. :-*

Now it was for quite another reason, you all would assume,
It was when I worked a test - and the router firewall logged that.
So in hindsight something quite harmless.
