Interesting error VPS file was destroyed

Some time after todays VPS update, I paused standard shield to run adaware and got the usual Windows Security Center warning about not being protected because I had pause it.

After running the adaware scan and resuming stsndard shield thw WSC continued to display a warning but one of being out of date (see 1st image) on checking the about avast it became even stranger when it showed the VPS was destroyed (see 2nd image), well an avast repair returned things to working order.

Just a very strange error, as the auto VPS update appeared to complete successfully. Nothing in the Windows Event log or avast Log Viewer, but I only have that set to warning level.

Edit: Update was 0551-0 to 0551-1

check the clock of your system! (time&date)



Please re-read the post, it was nothing to do with system date being wrong but a dead VPS, as the image shows ‘Cannot obtain information: VPS file was destroyed.’ So if avast can’t obtain the VPS info, neither can WSC and it will display a warning.

it showed the VPS was destroyed (see 2nd image), well an avast repair returned things to working order.

My reason for the post was in case anyone else experienced the same problem.

Welcome to the forums.