

I get in trouble with this interface because I don’t understand the report after scan.
I’ve already scanned my computer three times, and every time I get more viruses. The last scan the interface report was 599 viruses founded and the first was 53??? (see picture attached)
As option I’ve selected to “move and rename”, but in this folder are not 599 viruses!! Also in ashtray are displaied no virus anymore.

Please clear me this…


After the scan is done, a window with results should be displayed.
Where are the viruses found? I mean, in what folder… and what is the name of the virus?

Yes, of course!
But tell me also why I find more viruses each scan than the last.

Many thanks!

What files does it report as infected? It may be worth turning on the generation of the report.

Go to avast → Settings → Report, and turn on generation of the avast report file. Click to report only infected files.

Then restart the scan, and what it completes, you’ll be given the possibility to view the report. You can post it here.


I asked for the filenames because it could help me to give you some more info… The virus name would certainly be helpful, too.

There are more possibilities… avast! may mistakenly keep its temporary files in the TEMP folder… or if the virus is a file infector, it may simply spread - infect more and more files on your disk.
It’s hard to say without more info.