Internal error has occurred in module aswar scan function failed!

Internal error has occurred in module aswar scan function failed!, function C0000005.

client 90

Yes slightly different to the original error number I reported, but this may have been an unintentional consequence of the fix for the other error (this is speculation on my part). I no longer get the original or the new error number which seems to effect NTFS thater than FAT32 ???

No, not just ntsf, I have fat 32:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: avast!
Event Category: Client
Event ID: 90
Date: 4/6/2008
Time: 10:30:08 AM
User: N/A
Computer: SKIPPC
Internal error has occurred in module aswar scan function failed!, function C0000005.

Original error gone. Seems like we are trading one error for another. My question is what besides the rootkit scan does this error effect on the system? Me no likey errors.

what has Vlk said about this issue are they aware of it and are they trying to work on a fix?

I don’t believe Vlk has specifically mentioned this error number, so I can’t say if he is aware of it or working on it, but I will raise it elsewhere.

hi guys !
I have the same problem :

Hi Folks,

Yes… I have noticed the same types of errors as well within the last week. I think this has been happening since the last Avast program update. I am using Avast Version: 4.8 Home Edition, Build: April2008 (4.8.1169). Xtreme Toolkit version:

Here are 3 types of Event Errors/Warnings I have just got today.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: avast!
Event Category: Client
Event ID: 90
Date: 04/06/2008
Time: 08:05:59 AM
User: N/A
Internal error has occurred in module aswar scan function failed!, function C0000005.

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: avast!
Event Category: Client
Event ID: 90
Date: 04/06/2008
Time: 10:08:45 AM
User: N/A
AAVM - scanning warning: x_AavmCheckFileDirectEx [UNI]: \Christopher2\MY
DOCUMENTS\My Pictures\CD Cover & Biz Card Templates\My CD Cover Pix\Kal David CD
Back Cover.jpg (\Christopher2\MY DOCUMENTS\My Pictures\CD Cover & Biz Card
Templates\My CD Cover Pix\Kal David CD Back Cover.jpg) returning error, 00000005.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: avast!
Event Category: Client
Event ID: 90
Date: 04/06/2008
Time: 10:08:45 AM
User: N/A
AAVM - scanning error: x_AavmCheckFileDirectEx: avfilesScanReal of \Christopher2\MY
DOCUMENTS\My Pictures\CD Cover & Biz Card Templates\My CD Cover Pix\Kal David CD
Back Cover.jpg failed, 00000005.

So that’s it for now, I will be checking back to this thread to see what it may be. Thanks.


:(The situation seemed to be fixed with VPS 040404-0 the day before yesterday, but since this morning further to VPS 080406-0 the problem has come back to me too. Same Internal error, while code event reads 1912 and code function the same (= C000005). Apparently there is a sort of instability depending on VPS update.

An earlier VPS update corrected a similar problem with aswar, but with a different number ( A000010E), perhaps that was the one that was corrected for you. I don’t recall anyone else reporting the C0000005 error as being fixed, but there are a few different topic on this problem, so hard to tell.

Hello All,
I would like to correct an earlier post on the other thread

that VPS update 080406 corrected the startup rootkit scan error
(function C0000005)

After my PC was off for 2hrs, rootkin scan on startup error back.
Not fixed this time by VPS update 080407-0.

It seems to me that there is an erratic conflict between my startup applications,
namely WinPatrol, Online Armor , Avast! and Sandboxie,
although the Control GUI for the latter is disabled in WinPatrol.
It seems that once the error has occurred, shutting down or disabling these other startup apps doesn’t correct it.

Since I see my security being dependent on

  1. Sandboxie, 2) Online Armor and 3) Avast!
    I guess I’ll have to live with a minor disability with Avast!


Me to -

VPS 080407-1 (out now) has solved the problem