internet connection keeps shutting down

I recently bought Avast Premier and since then the network name suddenly changed to Concepts ICT Holding B.V. and the connection keeps shutting down. The only thing I changed in the router are the password and the region (was United States, so I changed it to Netherlands which is where I live). What is going on and how can I fix it ?

Without information it is not possible to tell what is happening or why.
What OS/SP ?
What exact avast version ?
How do you connect ? (wired, wifi)
What are the firewall settings ?

Windows 7 Home Premium
Avast Premier 12.3.2280 (build 12.3.3154.23)
Connected via wifi
Which Firewall settings do you need ?
I’ve made screenshots but can’t put them in this message.

Click on “attachments and other options”

See attachments

Part 2

Part 3

Final part

I did ask for the firewall settings and non of the images are showing them :frowning:

I’m sorry, I’m quite new at this. Where do I find the info you want ?

In the settings for the avast firewall ofcourse.

Again sorry for my newbie actions

Let me add to this that me and my wife’s mobile phones are connected to the wifi but can’t get any websites or apps to show internet content. That and the above mentioned problems all started after installing and activating Avast Premier.

OK, so I stopped using Avast and asked for a refund.

So i assume you have uninstalled avast and now it is working?
Including your mobile phones?

Yep, everything works fine now. Only thing is that my homenetwork still has the name Concepts ICT Holding B.V. instead of TP-Link Wireless USB.