i was wondering if anyone can help me. every few minuits avast pops up a box saying " internet connection timeout elapsed firefox.e3e → maptp7.map24.com:25 " it also asks me if i want to continue waiting
*note the 3 stands for x
i use windows xp sp2
i use firefox web browser
i use thunderbird e-mail
when i said firefox.e3e i meant firefox.exe but i didnt want to say firefox.exe incase you werent allowed to say that because i didnt want to get banned
I’m a little confused, what is firefox doing using/accessing port 25 the SMTP (sending email) port.
" internet connection timeout elapsed firefox.e3e -> maptp7.map24.com:25 "
If this is correct and firefox tried to access maptp7.map24.com:25 using an email port then the Internet Mail scanner may have tried to scan the content. Because firefox isn’t an email client it is unlikely that this was email content/traffic then ashMaiSv.exe took a long time attempting to scan this content and the connection timed out.
I could well be wrong (often) about the :25 at the end of the string indicating a connection using port 25.
It is usual to only see a URL without a port assigned to it as it should normally use the default http port (80). When a port is assigned it is usually shown at the end of the URL as Colon, Port number (e.g. :25), in this case the error message text.
The reason I find it strange is that is an email port, used for sending email, not browsing the web. Since firefox isn’t an email client but a browser, no port should have needed to be assigned it would have used port 80.
When ports are used for different reasons to the standards it makes me a little suspicious of the reason why it was done, usually to avoid something (like a virus scanner monitoring the default ports).
The avast Internet Mail scanner monitors port 25/110 and is expecting to see data using the SMTP/POP3 protocols, if it doesn’t find this it may take longer to inspect the traffic because of this (speculation on my part). This may lead to a period of inactivity which is incorrectly identified as an “internet connection timeout”.
ok thanks mate. that really helped me to understand it more thanks alot! could the reason i got the message be because i tryed to send an e-mail from a link on the web…what i mean is like on some sites there a contact us button and when you click it it opens up your e-mail program and sends the mail…could this be the reason?
I doubt it when you click the contact us, etc. and it brings up your email program with a new message window, it may enter the To address and Subject title, you enter the text and use the email client (TB) to send it not firefox.
So something weird has happened, to have firefox recorded as the program related to the internet timeout connection and not the email client, if that is exactly what happened.
I doubt that this would be a regular occurance so not worth worrying too much. However, if it became a regular occurance you would have to try and find the underlying cause.