Internet drivers wont show up

So I’ve been removing rootkits, trojans, and viruses, and i thought i was making progress. Now, my Wireless driver seems to be missing, and I can’t get on the internet to download programs that I was recommended from this site. I have not deleted any files, and I looked through my chest, and it looked like nothing in there was critical for internet access. Any ideas??

Side note— How do I delete ALL of my temp files, and is it safe?

Something I forgot, the error associated with it is something like (and I’m sorry that I can’t be specific)

WSA Startup failed.

And then I dont have the little wireless icon. When I open network connections from the control panel… ITS EMPTY!

What wireless device do you have in your computer?

It’s a linksys wireless 2G something or other. I’m concerned because now I can’t access the internet, I can’t update virus protection, and I can’t get the stuff I don’t already have (like malwarebytes, etc.) I went to my device manager and it says my Wireless driver is missing or corrupted. Would it be foolish to restore all the system files that I have in my virus chest? I’m afraid that without a conncection, I won’t be able to get these viruses and trojans off of my system.

When I open the network connections folder, it is totally empty.

When I start my computer I get an error message saying “Successful WSAStartup not yet performed.”

Anyone know where to go from here?

Also, how do I clean out my temp files, one virus was found in there, and I think that should be easy to get rid of. Do i just manually delete all of the files and folders, or is there a way to do it properly?

Another quick question, If I uninstall my network drivers, I hear that they will be reinstalled upon bootup. BUt if I don’t have internet connection, is this still the case???

Thanks for help

Download CCleaner then install it but make sure you uncheck the Yahoo Toolbar installation as you install it:

Slim build without toolbar:

For additional application cleaning you will need the customized winapp2.ini file placed in CCleaner Folder:

unfortunately, I can’t access the web because of these problems :frowning:

You are accessing the system now.

Download combofix to a USB flash drive or purchase one as they are quite inexpensive and very handy for these types of situations.

I will try that out, thank you very much. It may take a while, currently I’m on a univerity computer, and I can’t dload stuff with them, but I will post my results when i have them. Thanks again!