internet explor 8 wont work with avast???? help

I have windows xp with internet exploer 8. My explor 8 will not open up when I have avast activated on it.
I have used avast and explorer 8 for years with no problem.
Can any one out there help?

What errors are you getting ?

Whilst I try to avoid using IE, I have no problem with IE8 on XP Pro SP3 and avast free 9.0.2013.

What is your version of avast ?

What is your firewall ?

Iam using the free avast all its updates are there. As for fire wall I am not sure but I do have super anti spyware pro.

The only way I can get internet explorer to open is when I go into tool in explorer and go to PROGRAMS – MANAGE ADD-0NS— and from there disable avast
The error I get when starting explorer is this web site caused explorer to close. It does not say what web site.

thanks for the help

I think it might be an issue with the avast! Internet Security (AOS) add-on - that has been seen in IE10 and IE11, but this is I believe the first time I have seen this with IE8. So for now I would leave the AOS disabled in IE8.

SAS Pro is an anti-spyware and doesn’t have a firewall - so it looks like you only have the XP firewall, which doesn’t have outbound protection, so shouldn’t have been blocking avast’s web shield and subsequently blocking IE.

I couldnt get it to work on the xp computer here, it would leave the browser with a white screen and nothing would load so its just been disabled for every IE version in the house.

Well same here on xpSP3.
No problem when AOS disabled on IE 8