Is Avast compatible with Internet Explorer 8 64 bit. I need to know this before I download IE8. Thanl you very much.
There are lots of people using avast with IE8 without problem, but if they are using a 64bit version I don’t know.
However, avast doesn’t much care what browser you are using as long as it conforms to the HTTP protocols standards (which I assume IE8, 64bit or otherwise is) then it should work. That is speculation on my part as a) I don’t have a 64bit OS, nor do I use IE8.
Hopefully someone with personal experience of IE8 64bit will be able to comment.
Only downside of 64bit browsers is the lack of 64bit plugins like Adobe Flash. And that kinda sucks considering how widely flash is used…
Other than that it should work just fine with avast!. In fact it does, i just tried. That includes Web Shield and Network Shield.
IE8 x64 working fine here. There is a separate Java 64 plugin you eill need if you want that capability and the lack of flash for now can be a problem (or a benefit) depending on the sites you visit as RejZoR mentioned.
Well, I’m running IE8-64 bit on the XP x64 OS and the Script Blocker does not activate. So, it’s not clear to me that anything is running for this browser. Please let me know how others are able to determine whether the other avast components are active when this browser is used.
To test if avast! is running and working correctly you can click here to test it. You should get an alert as soon as you clicked on the “here”. The file is just a test-file and no real virus, so don’t worry!
By the way IE8 with 64bit (not often used but because of missing flash,…) works very well with avast!. (under Windows 7)
The eicar test file and information about the different forms of test are at the eicar site -
Thanks, that’s quite a warning! It does work on the 64 bit browser. I have Win7 on a DVD, but since it will require a clean sweep of my disks, I bought xp x64 OS to give me an upgrade path. If it’s an improvement over XP, the best OS microsoft has ever done (I go back to Microsoft cp/m and Windows 2), then I’ll get it. Thanks to you and to Reductase for your help!