Hi browser users,
Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 is available for testing.
Download from here:
When you are a developer or beta tester you could look into it, for the normal user it is still rather unstable. But it will mean strong competition for FF 3.0, and it is not sure whether FF 3.0 will survive when IE 8.0 gets golden. What to expect at first glance:
http://webwereld.nl/articles/50232/first-look--internet-explorer-8-beta.html (article in English language)
Nobody will develop free add-on for IE.
There will be a long journey to IE to have the same configurability than Firefox.
Ok… ok… Common users aren’t so exigent as I am ;D
You can find pictures from the installation here
The Microsofties haven’t figured out that a standards-complaint browser is compliant to standards:
Guess whose site looks like crap in IE8 Beta 1?
Uh, that would be me… Logo and headlines clipped and some weird scrolling effects
I’ll have to see if I can figure out where the trouble is in my style sheet.
Priceless comment:
Michael Benny says:
Looks like you have a special stylesheet that applies to all versions of IE (6, 7, and 8)
@import url( http://www.edbott.com/weblog/wpcontent/themes/winterday-10/ie.css );
Try sending IE8 the same code you send to Firefox
Also, also try using the conditional comments to target IE6 and IE7 only with
Posted March 5, 2008 @ 9:04 pm
LOL. :
March 11, 2008, 10:47am
I`ll consider it when M$ designs adblock and noscript for it . Until then it goes in the bin with all the rest.
March 11, 2008, 5:13pm
IE v FF, no ActiveX, no BHOs, no OS Integration, no contest.
As Cloussau said with the number of additional security based extensions, FF of what ever flavour/version is current will be for me for the foreseeable future.
Hi DavidR,
Then here is the FF 3 Fourth Beta release notes:
This fits in with their calendar, and a planned FF 3 Fifth Beta will be necessary, considering all the Blocks still there:
I guess I am in the minority I just do not like Firefox. But I do like IE8 even in its Beta version
I noticed today while doing an update, that IE8 required the IE7 emulation in order to do the updates.
Without it, MS doesn’t recognize it as an acceptable browser and gives an error massage.