Internet Mail Clean/Infected Message

Just started using this fine piece of software and so far so good. I have a question regarding the message that is attached to a clean or infected email when using Internet mail. Here is the message that is listed on the bottom of a recent clean email:

“avast! (VPS 5/14/2003): the message contains no virus”

Is this the standard message and can it be changed? I see if I was using outlook/exchange I would be able to alter this message. I am using Outlook Express. I would of thought there would be more details and self promotion from Avast! Just trying to get the word out out this nice program.

Thanks in advance on your reply.

Certek, thanks for the praise.

Unfortunately, it’s not possible at the moment. However, because this is a common feature request, it’s gonna be added to one of the upcoming program updates.

Hope this helps,