Internet Monitoring problem in Windows 8. Can't enter in wesites

Hi folks!

I’m using Win8 for one week… I install Avast and don’t have any problens. All working fine, no BSOD…

But since yesterday I can’t open any adress in web. Only Google works. And torrent download is ok too.

First I think that it can be a conection problem. But wi fi is ok. So, I point to Firefox… try IE and nothing there too.

Finally I try to stop Avast and BANG… Web works fine.

I tested all monitors and the troublemaker is Internet Monitoring… If is on… no WEB.

I don’t change any configuration. In fact I never change nothing in Avast configs.

Any thoughts about that?

OBS: Sorry for bad english. I’m brazilian and never study english lol… My knowledge is from movies, games and music… Just trying to follow the forum rules…=)

i am using 1474 and the patch since i was getting the BSODS. this is happening to me as well…

now going to try disabling the web shield for a couple of days to see what happens.

normally i get about 3-4 hours before the internet gets super flaky. then only like skype and a couple of services seem to work, but the rest of the internet is gone. only fix is restarting the machine,

Same issue here, the only solution is restart the machine, or disable network shield. I disabled the network shield until a fix is released.


At this moment the only solution is disable the Internet shield (Módulo de Internet in Pt Br version).

But this not all right… :-\

I don’t understant that… Avast is getting too much time to fix the Windows 8 problems