After I installed Avast anti virus and put in the licence key. I can connect to the internet but my screen is completely blue. Even thought it says the page is loaded. I have uninstalled the program and when I do I can connect to the internet with no problems. Any ideas? I tried calling support and got no answer after listening to the same guitar riff for about 40 minutes. How annoying!
If they can remember the previous AVs they have installed then a trip to, this has a collection of manufactures removal tools, so that should remove any remnants, registry, etc.
By exploring inside “program files” you can normally see the leftovers of all previously used A/V products, and then one can procede based upon those findings. Now you will know which uninstallers to use!
I went to my control panel and then clicked on programs. Then I went through and uninstalled all the old programs that I didn’t need blocking up my computer. Including avast anti virus from 2010. Then restarted my computer. All is working good now. Hope this helps.
Aaaa… So you are not using an antivirus, at all :). Great way to make the conflicts “go away”. Well, not really “go away”, but you are just not seeing them, and you are more vulnerable to malware. Fantastic resolution of the problem! ;D
Tashap33, I have found that many people in the forums are not from USA (english is not their native language), so an interpretation occurs at many levels that is very clear to us!
My native language is not English. There was no bad intention in my words. There is no point for me to post something with bad intention or bad language.
We are dealing with technical details, specially when trying to solve conflicts or problems. Every detail could be important, and I tend to avoid making assumptions. So when you say “duh”, it means you were assuming that we can imagine and understand what you did without you actually writing it, while in fact there is no way for us to assume / understand that.
Good you have really solved your problem and you have avast working correctly.
Remember, we are not sitting in front of your computer, you are.
We rely on your description to guide us on what you’ve done and how we can help
should what you attempted did not work.
ady4um was confused by your reply as was I since deleting items from ProgramFiles does not uninstall the program.