Internet Security blocking traffic to VM

I have internet security setup on my host and it is blocking internet traffic to my XP VM. I can’t find anything that is causing the blocking of traffic. If I disable the firewall my VM can surf the web, I re-enable it and it stops all trafic except local network traffic to my VM. I have the security lvl set for home use.

Do you mean you have AIS (avast Internet Security)?
Well, did you change the default settings? I’ve used virtual machines and have no problems with the virtual networking and connection…


Have you check your firewall configuration at AIS (If you are really using AIS)?

Please check to your Firewall configuration :

  1. Open you avast GUI
  2. Go to Firewall Tab
  3. Go to Application Rules Menu
  4. Then you may choose VMWare tab
  5. Then you should decide which application of VMWare need to internet connection

This steps you may apply to others application at your machine.

Please attached file for my VMware configuration.


Yeppers, sure did mean AIS and I had that group in the application rules menu but deleted it in hopes that it would ask me again about this application that wants to access the internet and I didn’t start having problems tell a few weeks ago or so. I’m not sure when it started but it happen.


Bumpity Bump bump!!! I made the application adjustments, set access as all in all out and still can not pass traffic with the firewall on, only with it off.

OK, figured it out after some messing around. I removed the application and then manually inserted a new application rule with full access. Seemed to have fixed the problem.